Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Life is Calling-How far will you go?


I have just been nominated for primary education/teacher education in the Pacific Islands!


The tattoo to the left is mine. It is a sketch done by Pablo Picasso. "Dove of Peace"
This tattoo is a symbolic reminder for me to continually search for love, inner peace and happiness in my life.

The tattoo on the right is a tattoo I designed for Mrs. Staelens in memory of my friend Sean who passed away this fall. Sean's name is written in the trunk of the tree. His sisters names (Mariah,
Molly, & Katie) are all written in the branches. I will miss Sean & his infectious smile. He always made me laugh.

Home away from Home

Printshop of Blood, Sweat, & Tears (especially when Heather flunks for breaking a litho stone)

Self Portraits

Rocks- (salt fired ceramics)

Senior Show


Litho Prints-


Be Content with your Natural Beauty-

If It Feels Nice-Don't think Twice

What a Beautiful Buzz....

Where the Wild Things Are...

Nature never ceases to amaze me...

Do You Realize?

A Print is Never Completed-It just stops in Interesting Places

You're lost the instant you know that the result will be..

More High School-

high school


Move like a jellyfish...

What a long strange trip it's been...

Senior Show

Although we all go our seperate ways in life; I'll take a part of each of you wherever I go.


i believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge,myth is more potent than history,dreams are more powerful than facts, hope always triumphs over experience,laughter is the cure for grief,love is stronger than death.

Me too.


"There are only two gifts we can give our children-one is roots, the other is wings"

Advice from a Tree

Dear Friend,

Stand Tall and Proud

Sink your roots deeply into the Earth

Reflect the light of your true nature

Think long term

Go out on a limb

Remember your place among all living beings

Embrace with joy the changing seasons

For each yields its own abundance

The Energy and Birth of Spring

The Growth and Contentment of Summer

The Wisdom to let go like leaves in the Fall

The Rest and Quiet renewal of Winter

Feel the wind and the sun

And delight in their presence

Look up at the moon that shines down upon you

And the mystery of the stars at night

Seek nourishment from the good things in life

Simple Pleasures

Earth, Fresh air, Light

Be content with your natural beauty

Drink Plenty of water

Let your limbs sway and dance in the breezes

Be Flexible

Remember your roots

Enjoy the View!

Turn it Off-It's sucking my will to live.